Music Videos

Type Brut

p5js | Adobe Premiere Pro

Artist/Designer: Nadine Ouellet
Art Direction: Afiq Shubi Din
p5.js: Aditi Krishna Neti

A commisioned video for Nadine’s entry for the Coucou Bazar Exhibition, organised by the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore.  The video features formations of the Type Brut – a conceptual approach to letterform and typographic design inspired by the Art Brut movement.

Sad Girls

p5js | Adobe Premiere Pro

Artists: Bryn, Lean Chihiro, Dune, Else
Art Direction: Afiq Shubi Din
p5.js: Aditi Krishna Neti, Afiq Shubi Din
Editor: Ang Ying Jia

Organised by Wired Music Week, Le Bureau Export / CNM, and the French Embassy in Singapore. They launched a collaboration project with musicians from France & South Korea and graphic artists from Singapore; students from LASALLE, NTU-ADM.

Energetic Groove!

p5js | Adobe Premiere Pro

Sketch 1   Sketch 2    Sketch 3

This project takes a punch at a play on the term ‘groovy’ & ‘excitement’. As part of his Computation-in-Design module in LASALLE, he is taught to utilise p5.js to sketch creatively through simple coding!

Based on the song ‘Music sounds better with you’ by Neil Frances, Afiq then recorded each segments of code and compiled a short visual video which best depicts the project outcome!
